Our clients are the top 50 Banks in the world serving and supporting projects from Asia Pacific to North America. We support the largest economy, in Asia, China, Japan and Indonesia in emerging markets as well as developed and developing economies.
BVI Financial Services
The new kids on the block, professionally staffed and changing the way to complete the tasks of current funders.
The new collateral providers recognised and supported by top 50 World Banks.
Focus on humanity trading of soft and hard commodities such as rice, edible oil, sugar, soya beans and precious metals.
Covering the whole of ASEAN countries, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam in infrastructure, power plants, community development.
We are collateral providers for approved projects screened and supported by AAA Banks within the region of our operations.
CVI Fishery Services
We are the expert on fishery and fishing boats. We aim to foster sustainable development of fisheries with technology.
CVI provides various fishery services such as supplying fishing boats, building sea farms and cold storage, and also fish market.
We are able cater global demand for seafood sustainably using sea farming / aquaculture process. High yield and friendly for the ecosystem.
We carefully designed our cold storage warehouse to ensure the quality of your product is kept fresh all the time.
BVICVI Range of Services
Planning Time Right
Asset Management
Corporate Financing
Humanitarian Programmes
FRP Shipyard
Sea Farming
Cold Storage
Fishery Market
Need to Consult?
Contact our professional personnels and we will gladly be in your service.